Storytelling, Trauma, Leadership
My time in the cramped cells was endless. But amidst the shadows and silence, my fellow prisoners and I found refuge in whispering. We began to teach each other, sharing the knowledge from our lives. Doctors shared how to take care of your wounds from torture, psychologists explained how to deal with our trauma, and lawyers described how to create a civil society in this uncivilized hell. Some even taught other languages. Together, we formed a secret and highly dangerous knowledge and information exchange, a community we called the 'University of Whispers'.
I have had countless sleepless nights, plagued by unfathomable nightmares. I have knowledge one does not wish to own, and experiences I wish to disavow. Yet, surviving is possible. Redefining survival as a challenge, something that must be done; focusing on the brighter parts of life - it works. This much I've come to understand. I am in love, I will have children, I will live a happy life, I will keep going in spite of everything.
Within the confines of prison, every choice carries the weight of life or death. Each decision must be carefully considered. You only have one chance and if the wrong decision is made you could inflict unimaginable suffering on yourself or your neighbors. You won't be rewarded for the good decisions but you will always be punished for the bad. In times of crisis, whether it be during a pandemic, within prison walls, or amidst severe economic cuts, leaders are essential. Leaders with courage who dare to make difficult decisions, provide assurance, and have the power to act.
Prison made me who I am today.
You can not run from your past, but you can use it to make a future you would be proud to have.
I, once, fell in love.
It’s hard to hold onto memories, but memories are what give us hope.
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